IMPORTANT Exploration mode requires an additional download. The Neofly Objects pack will require up-zipping and placing in your community folder (like any mods you may have installed). Place the neofly-neofly-objects folder in your community folder.
By default your community folder will be located:
Microsoft Store Version:
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\Packages\ Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\
Steam Version
C:\Users\[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\Packages\
Exploration mode is an adventure. Every 24 hours a new location will be generated and highlighted on the map with this purple symbol:

Exploration missions must be carried out in an aircraft you own (not rented aircraft) otherwise you will not get your reward.
You only have 24 hours to get to the location and find the wreck. Rumours are the wreck will contain vast amounts of gold and maybe even rare artifacts that can be sold at any market.
How you get to the wreck location is up to you. You may need to take a combination of missions, trading and transit flights to get to the nearest airport before starting the final exploration leg. The exploration needs to be carried out while on a mission. This may require a lengthy diversion, check your fuel.
The wreck will be within 1 mile of the marker (approximately). You need to locate it and land safely beside it to start looting.
If you think you might need help locating the wreck, a map can be purchased at some markets. The map will give you 15 minutes to locate the wreck once you arrive at the marker, before helping you. If you do use a map, your reward will be less. If you choose not to use a map, you may be lucky enough to find an incredibly lucrative rare artifact.
When you have looted the wreck, fly on to your destination to complete the mission. You can sell any gold found at the markets.